Sunday, 1 May 2016


Ans 2. The rhyming pattern of different lines of a poem is called its
rhyming scheme. The rhyming scheme of this poem is – a,b,c,b .

Q3. What is alliteration? Find two examples from the poem.
The repitation of the same sound at the beginning of words that are close
to each other in a line of a poem is called alliteration. eg. Weak and
whining ; to the task.

  1. Children who are always crying and cribbing over trifles, the ones
    who are always found complaining and blaming others, those who
    are'nt ready to face challenges and give up early are not liked by
  2. With a true and earnest zeal; Bend your sinews to the task, Do it with
    an honest will.
  3. A nation's destiny is defined by the type of children the nation has and
    their attitude towards life. Children who are ready to put in effort and overcome all obstacles are bound to bring glory and success to
    their country.

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